Whats the Legal Age to Drink in Florida

If you are caught buying alcohol for minors or serving alcohol to minors, or if your child has been accused of drinking alcohol by minors, proper legal representation is essential. Our experienced Miami law enforcement attorney understands the complexities of Florida`s underage alcohol laws. We will do our best to represent you to the fullest extent of the law and reduce or reduce your fees. We`ve helped countless people affected by Florida`s underage alcohol laws navigate lawsuits. We always have your best interests in mind and will work tirelessly to ensure you are protected. This state is strict and enforces the law against possession or consumption of alcohol by persons under the age of 21. There is an exception for minors who are at home with a parent or guardian. However, it is not applicable in public places such as bars or restaurants. In 2017, lawmakers considered a bill allowing minors to drink beer and wine in restaurants or at family gatherings with parental consent, but it has yet to move forward or pass. For example, you can look at 30 states if you`re 18, four states with nineteen, one state with twenty, and 15 states with 21. However, you may need a license to pour drinks depending on the condition. The minimum age for waiters bringing drinks to the table may differ from those behind the bar. Plus, in North Carolina, you can pour eighteen beers and wine, but no alcohol until you`re 21.

As you can see, this quickly becomes confusing when it comes to legal age and alcohol. People under the age of 21 who work in the restaurant or food and beverage industry may be able to purchase alcohol for their work. However, in most cases, they are not allowed to drink it. When it comes to underage drinking in Florida, you want the expert representation that our Miami criminal defense attorney can provide. Contact our firm today to find out how we can help you through this difficult time. Wisconsin has experienced problems with underage drinking on college campuses. In 2017, a state legislator tried to pass a bill that would lower the drinking age to nineteen to reduce excessive alcohol consumption. That bill didn`t pass, but underage teens can currently drink at a bar or restaurant with a parent in Wisconsin. Under Wisconsin law, 18- to 20-year-olds can legally drink with a parent, guardian or spouse 21 and older. In most of the United States, including the state of Florida, the legal drinking age is 21.

Therefore, it is illegal for people under the legal drinking age to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages. It is also illegal to serve alcohol to minors and attempt to trick minors into buying alcohol with fraudulent identification. Along with Oregon, California has the oldest MLDA 21 laws in the country. In 2016, there was an initiative to lower the drinking age to 18, but it didn`t get much support. However, the consumption of alcohol by minors is allowed in the presence of a responsible adult. It was made to help parents teach their children the importance of moderation in alcohol consumption. Cooking schools are the most common reason for this type of exemption. When cooking with alcohol, wine or beer, it is possible to leave enough alcohol in a finished dish to be considered alcoholic.

So if you`ve been to cooking school and you`re under 21, and many are enrolled students, you shouldn`t try the dishes with alcohol you`re learning to cook. Thus, some states have exceptions for those who are in an educational environment so that students can study without breaking the law. It is also illegal to sell or serve alcohol to anyone under the age of 21 or to purchase alcohol. For example, it is illegal for parents of legal drinking age to serve alcohol to their children under the age of 21, even if they serve alcohol to them on their own property. If the minor is under 18, Florida law requires the parent or guardian to also sign the application if the minor is applying for a driver`s license. If the minor has a car accident, the adult who signed the application will be held responsible for the accident. If the driver is 18 years of age or older, parents may be held liable with the drunk driver if the parents have agreed to let their adult child drive their car. If the minor drinking alcohol is an employee of the establishment and the employer allows the minor to drink on the premises – or elsewhere while still on the clock – the employer may be convicted of a first-degree offence and liable to up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. In some religions, it is customary to serve small amounts of wine to parishioners as part of a service or ceremony. It would be illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to participate in these activities, but some states have exceptions to allow believers under the age of 21 to legally participate in the rituals.

In Florida, it is illegal to discourage their age or someone else`s age by presenting a false ID. This applies to anyone who sells or hands over a false ID, as well as to the minor who uses it. Anyone who does so is guilty of a second-degree offence. If the person using the identity card is under 17 years of age, he or she will be treated as a juvenile offender. Minors who violate this law will also have their driver`s license suspended or revoked. As part of undercover work or research, it is legal in some states for a minor employed in law enforcement to purchase and consume alcohol. This is an understandable attempt to keep these enforcement efforts unhindered. In 1984, the federal government passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, setting the National Minimum Drinking Age at 21 (“MLDA”).

It was phased in over a few years, and today, all 50 states require you to be 21 or older to buy alcohol. So why discuss drinking age by state? A state`s exemption from the MLDA may also be site-specific. Some state laws only allow minors to legally consume alcohol in a parent`s or guardian`s private home, while others only allow alcohol consumption on authorized premises accompanied by their parents, guardians, or spouses. States like Texas allow minors to drink in places licensed to sell alcohol, such as a restaurant or bar, if their parents are present and allow it. To be considered an alcoholic beverage, the federal government has determined that a “beverage” contains 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol. Therefore, a “drink” is also illegal for people under the age of 21 to drive a motor vehicle if their blood alcohol level (BAC) is 0.02% or higher. In other words, minors are not allowed to have an amount of alcohol in their system that can be detected by law enforcement; Even a dose of alcohol or drinking a glass of wine or beer can lead to serious legal consequences. The legal drinking age in Florida is 21. Florida 562.11 laws state that anyone who sells, gives or serves alcohol to a person under the age of 21 is doing so illegally.

Therefore, a business owner, bartender, cashier or other person who serves alcohol is required by law to verify that the person to whom they serve a drink is 21 years of age or older. If a person under the age of 21 is caught buying or consuming alcohol, or if a person of legal drinking age buys alcohol or serves alcohol to a minor, serious legal consequences may be at risk.