Should the Legal Driving Age Be Raised to 18 Essay

Getting a driver`s license is one of the most anticipated stages of a teen`s life. Most of the driving training offered at driving schools or high schools is not thorough enough to teach teens what they need to know when they get behind the wheel. Experience is an important teacher when it comes to driving and the more time they spend on different roads. The more confident they will feel and be able to react to stressful or difficult situations. But years of appalling statistics have led safety advocates around the world to question whether 16- or 18-year-olds are really enough to get them to drive (Aspen, 2016). One of the main reasons that lead to car accidents is distraction while teenagers are driving. Multitasking is becoming increasingly popular among many teenagers, but it doesn`t work for young cyclists. They chat on the phone, listen to an iPod while driving, and even eat fast food. They may also get distracted while chatting with friends or switching radio stations (The Top Three Reasons Teens Have Car Accidents). These actions directly prevent them from focusing on the road, which can lead to collisions. Even experienced drivers can have accidents if they keep their thoughts and eyes off the road and their hands off the wheel.

The South Australian government`s research for young drivers shows that passengers in the vehicle are a distraction and can increase the risk of an accident. With an irresistible desire to experience new, more difficult actions, they usually do what they want without thinking about the sub-consequences. This is evidenced by the fact that the parts of the brain responsible for impulse control and consideration of decision consequences can be developmental into adolescence (Young Drivers: The Road to Safety, 2006). Therefore, they cause a huge number of car accidents, resulting in a significant number of deaths. In Western Australia, according to the Government of Western Australia, younger, less experienced drivers, particularly those aged 15 to 19, who consume alcohol before driving, have a higher risk of crashes than people in other age groups (Government of Western Australia 2010) Argument III – Curfews for teenagers Much has been said about a curfew for teenagers, Mainly a curfew for teenagers, which prevents them from going out no later than ten in the afternoon or later, depending on the region. Most of the so-called are unconstitutional and should not be supported because they deprive adolescents under the age of eighteen of their rights; while others believe it will reduce crime rates and create a safer place for teens. But are we really that sure? People will learn that a teen curfew will not only be ignored, but it will also increase crime rates in the worst way. Obtaining a driver`s license is an important step for a teenager and can be considered a rite of passage. In the United States, the legal age for obtaining a driver`s license varies from state to state. Many states have the minimum age under eighteen.

However, some states have […] Another factor that leads to the increase in driving age is that young drivers are not mature enough to be on the road. First, the adolescent brain does not develop enough to cope with all complicated situations while driving. This is clearly demonstrated by the fact that certain parts of the brain do not develop until late adolescence, such as the prefrontal cortex, which is the smartest part of the brain and is known as the executive branch of the brain. According to Earl Miller, professor of neuroscience at MIT, the prefrontal cortex does not fully develop until eighteen, nineteen, and twenty years (Patterson 2010). In addition, young people are those who are at an age where they demand independence and participate in an exciting social life. They act at night, travel at very high speed under the influence of alcohol or drugs, to brag about peer pressure. Teenagers are also irresponsible for what they cause. For many teenagers, acquiring their license after the age of sixteen could be a highlight. Over the years, however, it has become difficult to know if sixteen-year-olds are mature enough to drive. There are many different opinions and statistics for both sides of the discussion.

Due to the high number of accidents among teenagers, studies show that increasing the age of driving reduces accidents among teenagers. But is it true? Many people think that 16-year-olds are not responsible for driving, so they will crash, but 18-year-olds are just as likely to fall as 16-year-olds because they have no driving experience. The evidence says, “The reason drivers crash is a lack of experience, and an 18-year-old with one year of experience is just as likely to have an accident as a 17-year-old with one year of experience.” This shows that 18-year-olds are just as responsible as teenagers. Sorry, we couldn`t paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and provide you with a unique article. In the United States, the legal age to obtain a driver`s license is 16. The process of autonomous driving begins at the age of 15. In Illinois, to pass the driver`s license exam, you will need. A very important question was: should the legal drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age? I say no because children are already more dependent on alcohol every day, so no, the age should not be lowered so that children do not think it is acceptable to drink at a young age. Stein wasn`t sure of his answer, Hillary and Donald are against it, and Johnson likes the idea.

I agree with Hillary et. Donald can take advantage of this privilege, which is an important point that the driving age should be increased.